Cosmetic Notification Singapore

Cosmetic Registration: Certify Your Products
as Safe for Singapore Market

Cosmetics are essential to our daily lives, and Singaporeans are no exception. Cosmetic goods, from cosmetics to skincare, are widely used to improve beauty and maintain personal cleanliness. As per statistics, the global cosmetic industry is valued at $262.21 billion in 2022.

Cosmetic items, like any other product, have regulations that must be complied with to ensure customer safety. The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) regulates the sale and distribution of cosmetic items in Singapore. Cosmetic product notification FDA is one of Singapore’s most important criteria for cosmetic products.

Victory Pharma Consultancy clients who engaged us for product registration in Malaysia will be pleased to know the firm handles cosmetic registration in Singapore, too. You can leverage a wide range of benefits, including:

  • Professional consultation on the notification process
  • No handling of complex paperwork
  • 100% approval rate

What are Cosmetic Products?

Cosmetic products improve, remove, or change the skin complexion, hair, and nails. Cosmetics include skincare products such as perfume, skin cream, makeup, nail polish, and grooming assistance namely shampoo, shaving cream, soap, and deodorant.

In order to market these cosmetic products, it is necessary for brands to perform cosmetic notifications and obtain a license to sell skin care products. The following section will help you to understand what cosmetic product notification is.

What is the Cosmetic Product Notification?

A cosmetic product notification can be considered a license for you to advertise your products in the country. It is compulsory for cosmetic products to be registered prior to being marketed in Singapore. This is to facilitate regulatory follow-up if safety issues develop.

We can help you to obtain this cosmetics import license. Our consultants are well-versed in the process and procedures and have strong working relationships with the Singapore Health Sciences Authority (HSA) to assist you in obtaining permission in a timely manner.

Cosmetic Notification for Singapore Market

When is Product Notification Not Required?

Generally, cosmetic product notification is necessary as per Singapore cosmetic regulations. However, there are several cases whereby it is not required. See below to find out if your products are in any of these categories:

∘ Your cosmetic item is only provided as a sample in connection with any advertising, sponsoring, or promotional activity.

∘ Your cosmetic product is created by, or under, a medical practitioner’s requirements and is supplied solely by that medical practitioner to benefit patients under his care.

∘ Your cosmetic product is provided strictly for testing or trial use in connection with any product research or development.

If you match with any of these cases, you are not required to obtain the product notification or cosmetics import license.

Overview: Process of Notifying Cosmetic Products in Singapore

Notifying cosmetic products in Singapore requires permission from HSA Singapore. The following is an overview of the process with which Victory Pharma Consultancy assists clients on:

∘ Verifying that the ingredients in your cosmetic product comply with the ASEAN Cosmetic Directive Annexes

∘ Checking if your product meets the labeling standards

∘ Completing your application for a Client Registration and Identification Service (CRIS) account

∘ Submitting a new cosmetic product notification

∘ Updating miscellaneous information such as applicant, company, or manufacturer details

∘ Applying for a re-notification or canceling of notification if you are no longer selling the product


Cosmetic product notification is necessary for companies wishing to advertise their cosmetic items in Singapore. This ensures that the products fit the Health Sciences Authority’s (HSA) safety standards and protects consumers from dangerous substances.

Also, learn about: Registering Health Supplements and Natural Products


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